BirdLife AustraliaWhite-cheeked Honeyeater


Birdwatching in the Port Macquarie and Hastings Region of NSW, Australia

Please report any unusual sightings to here

Last updated : 12/01/2025


Abbreviations used include A – adult, F – female, M – male, J – juvenile, DY – dependent young, Im – immature, N – nest, E – eggs, ra – rest area, rk – road kill, hw – hit window,  ba – blown ashore, bc – beachcast, hc – heard calling, pr – pair.  

* First Return, ** Last Date. 

Bold – on the review list of the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal Committee (ORAC). Submission required. Bird names used and the order in which they occur are in accord with the IOC World Birdlist Version 5.4 2015.   

Magpie-Goose 6 3/1/2025 King Creek Rd Swamp Peter West
Plumed Whistling Duck 8 3/12/2024 Coopernook Rd Swamp Clive Meadows
Plumed Whistling Duck 4 5-7/12/2024 Barnetts Lagoon, Gladstone Edward Louey
Wandering Whistling Duck 3 28/11/2024 King Creek Rd Swamp Max Weatherall
Pink-eared Duck 2 4-6/12/24 Boyters Lane Jerseyville Ed Louey
Stubble Quail 2 19/12/2024 Cattai Creek Ponds Michael Kearns
Hoary-headed Grebe 6 6/1/2025 Bootawa Dam, Tinonee Alan Morris
Great Crested Grebe 3 6/1/2025 Rosendahl Reservoir Ed Louey
Owlet-Nightjar HC 16/11/2024 Quarry Track, Limeburners Ck NR Peter West
Owlet-Nightjar 1 12-13/12/24 Lake Cathie Village Track Laura Van Bussell
White-throated Nightjar 1 11/12/2024 Koorainghat James Churches
White-throated Nightjar 1 31/12/2024 Burrawan SF Clive Meadows
White-throated Needletail 300 28/11/2024 1030 hrs Rainbow Bch, Lake Cathie Laura Van Bussell
White-throated Needletail 200 30/11/2024 0800 hrs Kew James Bennett
White-throated Needletail 200 30/11/2024 1210 hrs Pilot Beach, Camden Head Ed Louey
White-throated Needletail 300 14/12/2024 0800 hrs Plots Trail Lake Innes NR Erin Wise
White-throated Needletail 12 3/1/2024 0830 hrs Pump Stn Partridge Creek Clive Meadows
White-throated Needletail 8 4/1/2025 Cattai Wetlands Coopernook Julia Hudd
White-throated Needletail 1000 7/1/2025 0800 hrs Bonny Hills- Pt Macquarie James Oates
Pacific Swift 8 5/1/2025 Pacific Motorway Kiwarrack, Taree Bryan Baker
Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo 1 25/12/2024 Cattai Creek Ponds Michael Kearns
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo J 22/11/2024 Fed by Thornbills, Cattai Wetlands Lauren Wade
Shing Bronze-Cuckoo 1 4/1/2025 Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar Jason Brown
Pallid Cuckoo 1 28/11,19/12 Pump Station, Partridge Creek Paul Rowan
Pacific Emerald Dove 1 8/11/2024 Dondingalong Debra Littler
Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove 2 9/11/2024 Harrington Rainforest Alan Morris
Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove 1 16/12/2024 Lake Cathie Darren Rounsevell
Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove 1 27/12/2024 Limeburners Creek NR Big Hill Eric Finley
Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove 1 3/1/2025 Sea-Acres NR Port Macquarie Kylie Randall
Wompoo Fruit-Dove 2 12/12/2024 Middle Brother NP Johns River James Bennett
Brolga 2 1-28/12/24 Suez Lane/ Boyters Lane, Jerseyville Julia Hudd
Buff-banded Rail 6 1/12/-7/1 3 sites Laurieton Boardwalk Alan Morris
Buff-banded Rail 2 8/1/2025 Town Beach, Port Macquarie Tim Morris
Lewin’s Rail 1 29/12/2024 Boyters Lane Jerseyville Clayton Sheargold
Aust. Spotted Crake 1 8/1/2025 Suez Rd Swamp, Rainbow Reach Lindy Frost
Aust. Spotted Crake 2 10/11-22/12 Coopernook Rd Wetlands James Andrews
Spotless Crake 1 4/12/2024 Bonny Hills Wetland Archie Brennan
Baillon’s Crake 1 7/11-22/12 Coopernook Rd Wetlands Kellie Havey
Black-tailed Native-Hen 1 5-10/11/2024 Coopernook Rd Wetland Michael Kearns
Painted Button-quail 1 14/12/2024 Colling Pass Moritz Schalk
Bush Stone-curlew 1 28-30/12/24 Harrington IGA Store, Carpark Grace Cooper
Beach Stone-curlew 2 19/11-6/1 Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar Julia Hudd
Beach Stone-curlew 2 17/12/2024 Settlement Point Gail Pickett
Beach Stone-curlew 1 31/12/2024 Pelican Island from Port Macquarie Vicki Pentecost
Comb-crested Jacana 3 28/11/2024 King Creek Rd Swamp Max Weatherall
Comb-crested Jacana 1 5/1/2025 Cattai Wetlands, Coopernook Stephen Gallivan
Pied Oystercatcher N+E 18-23/10/24 Island in Lake Cathie Darrin Rounsevell
Sth Island Pied Oystercatcher 1 8/1/2025 1N was at Farquhar Inlet James Bennett
Red-kneed Dotterel 2 1-9/11/24 Coopernook Rd Wetland Laura Van Bussell
Red-kneed Dotterel 1 1/11/2024 Freemans Rd Rawdon Island Alan Morris
Pacific Golden Plover 54 15/11/2024 Anchorage  Point, Settlement Estate Alan Morris
Pacific Golden Plover 30 30/12-8/1/25 Farquhar Inlet Old Bar Brian Deans
Grey Plover 1 4-14/12/24 Ryans Cut, Crecent Head Sonia Boughton
Grey Plover 1 6/1/2025 Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar Sue Gurling
Red-capped Plover 21 4-14/9/24 Harrington Breakwall Alan Morris
Double-banded Plover ** 1 12-13/10/24 Harrington Breakwall Archie Brennan
Siberian Sand-Plover 1 27/11-8/1 2 on 8/1, Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar Peter West
Greater Sand-Plover 1 13-18/10/24 Harrington Beach/Breakwall Ken Janson
Greater Sand-Plover 1 17/12/-8/1 Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar Magan Pettit
Whimbrel 3 6-14/10/24 Gogley’s Lagoon Camden Head Alan Morris
Whimbrel 20 15/11/2024 Pelican Island Survey Peter Hudd
Far Eastern Curlew 16 14/11/2024 Laurieton Boardwalk Alan Morris
Far Eastern Curlew 35 3/12/2024 Pelican Island Survey Ed Louey
Bar-tailed Godwit 104 3/12/2024 Pelican Island Survey Ed Louey
Bar-tailed Godwit 19 14/11/2024 Camden Haven River Laurieton Alan Morris
Bar-tailed Godwit 80 30/12-8/1 Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar Brain Deans
Whimbrel 31 3/12/2024 Pelican Island Survey Ed Louey
Whimbrel 1 15/12/2024 Middle Rock, Lake Cathie Darren Rounsevell
Ruddy Turnstone 2 1/12/2024 Farquhar Inlet Laura Van Bussell
Ruddy Turnstone 1 4/12/2024 Ryans Cut Crescent Head Sonia Boughton
Great Knot 1 9/11/2024 Lake Innes, Port Macquarie Ed Louey
Red Knot 24 9-14/11/24 Lake Innes, Port Macquarie Tim Morris
Red Knot 8 17/11/2024 Farquhar Ilet Peter West
Red Knot 1 6/12/2024 Ryans Cut, Crescent Head Sonia Boughton
Red Knot 1 7/1/2025 Manning Estuary James Bennett
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 17 4-9/11/24 Coopernook Road Swamp Gordon Crane
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 70 9/11/2024 Lake Innes, Port Macquarie Tim Morris
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 200 8/1/2025 Seales Rd Swamp Lindy Frost
Red-necked Stint 20 1-9/11,24 Manning River estuary Emily Matthews
Sanderling 4 1/11-30/12 Harrington Bch/Breakwall Ken Janson
Sanderling 4 17-30/12/24 25 on 8/1, Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar Magan Pettit
Sanderling 1 21/1`2/2024 Ryans Cut, Hat Head NP Kerrin Bottyn
Pectoral Sandpiper 1 24/11/2024 Lake Innes Matt Hinze
Latham’s Snipe 2 9/11-1/12 Coopernook Red Wetland Kelly Harvey
Latham’s Snipe 3 7/1/2025 Cattai Wetlands James Bennett
Terek Sandpiper 1 9/11/2024 Lake Innes, Port Macquarie Tim Morris
Terek Sandpiper 1 30/12-8/1 Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar Brain Deans
Wood Sandpiper 1 17/12/2024 Coopernook Rd Wetlands Jason Brown
Grey-tailed Tatler 1 10/11/2024 Harrington Breakwall Leal Beazley
Grey-tailed Tattler 1 11/11/2024 Settlement Pt Port Macquarie Alan Morris
Grey-tailed Tattler 1 17/11/2024 Farquhar Inlet Peter West
Common Greenshank 1 10-11/11/24 Ryans Cut, Crescent Head James Bennett
Common Greenshank 1 31/12-2/1 Sandbar entrance to Lake Innes Ed Louey
Common Tern 15 29/12/2024 Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar Brian Deans
Common Tern 11 26/10/2024 Port Macquarie Foreshore Alan Morris
Aleutian Tern 4 24/11-8/1 Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar Chris Chapman
Little Tern 9 27/11/2024 Nesting I Harrington Dunes Peter West
Little Tern 250 1/1/2025  Includes 40 nesting pr,Farquhar Inlet Peter West
Whiskered Tern 10 1-11/11/24 60 on 11/11, Seales Rd Swamp Matt Hinze
Whiskered Tern 1 18/11/2024 Lake Innes, Port Macquarie Darren Rounsevell
White-winged Black Tern 2 28/11-1/12 Farquhar Inlet Max Weatherall
Lesser Frigate-bird 1 17/12/2024 Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar Magan Pettit
Black-necked Stork 2,2Y 30/11/2024 Seales Rd Swamp, Belmore River Fran Smith
Black-necked Stork 1 6/12/2024 Cattai Wetlands, Coopernook Joe Deluca
Black-necked Stork 1 7/12/2024 Redbank nr Wauchope Paul Corben
Black-necked Stork 2 28/12/2024 Boyters Lane Jerseyville Lachlan Milne
Yellow-billed Spoonbill 2 7/11-22/12 Coopernook Rd Wetlands Laura van Bussell
Yellow-billed Spoonbill 1 1-7/11/2024 Barnetts Lagoon Gladstone Matt Hinze
Australasian Bittern HC 16/11/2024 Quarry Track, Limeburners Ck NR Peter West
Aust. Little Bittern 1 4 & 25/12 Googik Track, Lake Innes NR Archie Brennan
Black Bittern 1 3/11/2024 Koolumbung Creek Pt Macquarie Tim Morris
Black Bittern 1 4/12/2024 Googik Track, Lake Innes NR Archie Brennan
Black Bittern 1 14/12/2024 Huntington Matt Hinze
Nankeen Night-Heron 1 11/11/2024 Belmore River Roost Trees Ed Louey
Pacific Heron 12 4/1/2025 Cattai Wetlands, Coopernook Sue Gurling
Glossy Ibis 1 26/12/2024 Clybucca Marie Lister
Square-tailed Kite 1 24/11/2024 Henry Rendal Reserve, Laurieton Alan Morris
Square-tailed Kite 1 3/12/2024 Laurieton Boardwalk Archie Brennan
Pacific Baza 1 3/1/2025 Pump Station, Partridge Ck Julia Hudd
Wedge-tailed Eagle 2 14/12/2024 Bootawa Dam, Tinonee Peter Goodman
Wedge-tailed Eagle 1 4/1/2025 Pacific Motorway, Possum Brush Tim Bawden
Grey Goshawk 1 7/1/2025 Johns River Michael Ramsay
Collared Sparrowhawk 1 6/1/2025 Cattai Wetlands, Coopernook Ben Maslen
Masked Owl 1 22/12/2024 Crowdy Bay NP James Hunt
Powerful Owl 2,2Y 28/11/2024 Transit Hill Pt Macquarie Rich Shaw
Powerful Owl 2 8/11-29/12 Sea-acres NR Erin Wise
Powerful Owl; 2 27/12/2024 Wingham Brush NR Marie Lister
Barking Owl 1 29/11/2024 Huntington Matt Hinze
Barking Owl 2,2Y 1/11- 8/1 Stake-out South West Rocks Alan Morris
Southern Boobook HC 19/11/2024 Bonny Hills James Andrews
Southern Boobook 1 11/12/2024 Koorainghat James Churches
Forest Kingfisher 2 11/11/2024 Searle’s Rd Wetland west Daniel McKeon
Australian Hobby 1 4/1/2025 Knappinghat NR Taree Aalap Chikhalikar
Australian Hobby 2Im 20/12 & 2/1 Laurieton Boardwalk Alan Morris
Peregrine Falcon 2,2Y 12/12/2024 Tacking Point Light-house Rob Smith
Peregrine falcon 2,2Y 15/12/2024 South West Rocks Darren Rounsevell
Little Lorikeet 7 22/12/2024 Sand Trail, Crowdy Bay NP James Hunt
Musk Lorikeet 8 3/12/2024 Isaacs Lane, Johns River Luke Downey
Rufous Scrub-bird 1 1-8/11/24 Willi Willi NP Banda Banda Karen Smedley
Rufous Scrub-bird 1 17/12/2024 Forbes River, Willi Willi NP Ian Kerr
Red-browed Treecreeper 2 29/12/2024 Brinerville, Taylors Arm Kye Turnbull
Southern Emu-wrem 14 23/12/2024 Blackfellows Trail Crowdy Bay NP Ryan Hall
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater 2 23/12/2024 Blackfellows Trail Crowdy Bay NP Ryan Hall
Little Friarbird 1 30/12/2024 Lake Cathie Village Track Vicki Stobs
Blue-faced Honeyeater 1 10/12/2024 Merinda Drive Port Macquarie Les Mitchell;
Blue-faced Honeyeater 1 8/1/2025 Owl Stake-out, South West Rocks Lindy Fost
Blue-faced Honeyeater 3 28/12/2024 Old Bar Kerr Brad
Mangrove Honeyeater 3 10/12/2024 Boyters Lane Mangroves Joe Deliuca
Yellow-rumped Thornbill 4 1-29/10/24 Coopernook Road Wetlands Alan Morris
Australian Logrunner 2 4/10/2014 Marks Trail Lake Innes NR Les Mitchell
Australian Logrunner 2 6/11/2024 Boorganna NR Comboyne John Harris
Dusky Woodswallow 4 2/1/2025 Avalon River Retreat Toms Creek Peter Antcliff
Barred Cuckoo-Shrike 2 1-26/11/24 Historic Cemetery James Bennett
White-winged Triller 2 1-10/11/24 Boyters Lane Jerseyville James Bennett
White-winged Triller 2 30/12/2024 Bells Fire Tail, Lake Innes NR Vicki Stobs
White-winged Triller 1 4/1/2025 Cattai Wetlands, Coopernook Julia Hudd
Varied Triller 1 27/12/2024 Cattai Wetlands, Coopernook Michael Avenal
Olive Whistler 1,1,1 1/11-14/12 Werrikimbe NP 3 sites Hastings BW
Restless flycatcher 2 2/11-3/12 Isaacs Lane Pond, Johns River Alan Morris
Satin Flycatcher AM 28/12/2024 The Borefield, Hat Head NP Patrick Antcliff
Paradise Riflebird 1 14/12/2024 Werrikimbe NP Ian Kerr
Jacky Winter 2 23/12/2024 Kardinia Rd Dollys Flat Bors Vesterby
Jacky Winter 2 28/12/2024 Kunderbung James Burn
Rose Robin 2 28/12/2024 Doyles River Kye Turnbull
Brown Songlark 1 27-31/10/24 Rawdon Island Matt Hinze
Little Grassbird 2 9/11-6/12/24 Coopernook Rd Wetlands Alan Morris
Chestnut-breasted Mannakin 3 1/11-23/12 Pump Stn Partridge Creek Hannah O’Neill
Chestnut-breasted Mannakin 2 4/1/2025 Cattai Wetlands, Coopernook Julia Hudd